With the government having recorded the biometric as well as personal details of 48 crore and 27 crore people — many of whom are expected to be in both databases — it has set out on an exercise integrate Aadhaar with the National Population Register, establish the nationality of those registered and weed out illegal immigrants. The government has in its database the iris scan as well as the fingerprints of around 48 crore under Aadhar and 27 crore in the NPR. While Aadhaar is a proof of identity, NPR is meant to register only Indian citizens. - “Whether one has Aadhaar or not, it is must for every Indian to be registered under NPR, which is a proof of nationality. Enumerators have already visited all households in the country and collected details. What they will do now is a de-duplication exercise as similar details have been recorded under Aadhaar too. Once that is done, we expect to determine the nationality of each individual in the country, thereby identifying illegal...
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