New Delhi : Technology giant Microsoft today said it has been working on a pilot to link Skype with the Aadhar database to explore if the identification service can be used on video calls, including those with government institutions. The US-based software giant said it is very enthusiastic and has "embraced the universal ID system". "We have been pursuing work, initially on a pilot basis, but it will continue to grow, to use that specific technology and integrate it into Skype," Microsoft President and Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith told reporters here. Citing an example, Smith said he expects Skype to evolve in a way that will enable somebody at home to authenticate themselves using that ID system with a fingerprint or an iris scan. "(The person can) then communicate with someone on the other end, who might for example, work for a government agency and the government agency will know that person is who he or she says they are," he added. Smith ...
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