LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (STF) on Friday claimed to have arrested an ISI agent from Meerut Cantt area with sensitive documents related to Indian Army. Mohammand Eizaz alias Mohammad Kalam, a resident of Taramadi Chowk, Irfanabad, Islamabad, Pakistan, was arrested by STF team from Meerut Cantt area when he was on his way to Delhi, IG, STF, Sujeet Pandey told reporters in Lucknow. "Documents related to Indian Army, Pakistani identity proof, fake voter identity of West Bengal, fake Aadhar card in address of Bareilly district, Delhi Metro card, laptop, pendrives were recovered from his possession," he said. The officer said that STF had received intelligence that a Pakistani had been sent to western Uttar Pradesh through Bangladesh to collect information about activities of Indian Army. "On information that Eizaz will leave for Delhi from Meerut Cantt station with sensitive and secret information of Indian Army, the STF team arre...